T H E . C O S M O S . C L I Q U E

Cosmos' New Playground
Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Remembered we removed the gravels?
Well in order not to let the gravels be of waste, we created a new playground for our Cosmos.
Using the Dish Filter from their 3-in-1 Dish Drainer tank.

Awesome isn't it? To think that their tank(s) could be of so much usages!
Xing Yue somehow remembers the silver environment of the 'ice cream bag' that we used to bring him out for his vet visit, and he is kind of sensitive to Silver surface.

So, we make their playground in a Silvery + Gravels environment, for Xing Yue to know that Silver environment does not necessary means that he is going to visit the vet.

Took Cosmos some time for them to adapt to their new playground.

Yue Guang hiding in her new found Comfort Zone.

Yue Guang looking at FS.Rain's finger~

Yue Guang still looks up at the sight of FiOh's camera~

Yue Guang continues looking at the camera even when the direction was changed

Yang Guang not getting used to the new playground

Xing Yue showing his cute face

Somehow the Cosmos Clique ended up in this manner...

Motion Blur: Yue Guang moving non-stop

Yang Guang too, found his comfort zone for a short nap

Yang Guang makes really beautiful turtle's neck

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