T H E . C O S M O S . C L I Q U E

Xing Yue's fallen ill
Wednesday, 2 April 2014

It was approximately 2 weeks ago that we noticed Xing Yue (XY) having dents on the sides of his head which got us worried (scroll down for more photos showing the dents, click on the photos to view).

Around last weekend we noticed XY getting "beardy" looking blurry sides... he was brought to his first vet visit but got his head tucked in persistently that only vitamins were issued along with the recommended Mazuri pellets.

This Monday morning, we saw XY's sides getting really murky like he's got pus or what on his face, so we called up the same pets clinic, made an appointment with a more experienced & trained vet in aquatic pets and bring XY down for a second vet visit. (check out Reads section to link of the clinic).

Dr Chua was very patient and skillful in treating XY. He managed to get a good glimpse of XY's sides and confirmed that its skin infection (not Ear infection as of what we were suspecting it to be previously).
As XY is OBVIOUSLY too shy and too timid, it's really difficult for us to apply medication on his infected skin, hence soluble medication was issued to be added to his water. Dr Chua also shared that it is not right for XY to always soak in water. 

Gotta give him a choice between the Wet and Dry lands, but XY loves to hide in water so our mum suggested to give XY a dry nest. As of now, XY seems to be having better appetite, accepted Mazuri pellets (initially he was scared of the pellets and hide into his shell O_O!!), right side of his face, which was initially really "cloudy" has gotten better, left side kind of became worse but looks like it's a better kind of worse... not sure if that makes sense (=/). 



Well in any case, this update is to share with all about the latest most concerning event of the Cosmos Clique. Stay tuned for more to come.  =)

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