The Cosmos Clique Something about Us阳光 Yang Guang (Sunlight) 月光 Yue Guang (Moonlight) 流星 Liu Xing (Meteor) 銀河 Yin He (Galaxy) 晨光 Chen Guang (Dayligh) 暮光 Mu Guang (Twilight) 星宇 Xing Yu (Starry Nite) RECENT COSMOS' MOMENTS Click 'Stories' For More PostsCosmos Owners Blog AuthorsFS.Rain | FiOh Shine Shine | Waggish.J Siblings From Singapore Main Blog Author: FiOh Contact Us Cosmos Chat! Greetings Here~Credits Thanks for the BlogskinRe-edited by The Cosmos Clique 29 & 31 Mar 14 - Xing Yue's First Two Vet Visits
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Previously we mentioned that we noticed Xing Yue looking unwell and not being himself, recalled it around 28th March when we first observed his 'beary' symptoms. Most of you reptile lovers will know that it is not easy to locate a good and reputable vet clinic that look after and treats reptiles (compared to the fact that most vets only specialize in the care of cats and dogs). After much research and research, we finally located this vet clinic that actually treats Aquatic animals (a really good news for us!!) - The Allpets & Aqualife clinic. 29th March 2014 Around 3pm plus FiOh bought Xing Yue down to the clinic, but as we did not book for any appointment in advance, we waited for really quite some time. At the clinic itself, we met 3 other RES owners; a pair of Caucasian mother and daughter (with two eyes infected RES), a lady who has a total of 6 RES for 16 years (she bought two of her sick male RES to the clinic), and a man who bought his 15 years old RES for a followup on its shell treatment (heard that his RES climb out from somewhere and had a great fall, parts of his shell was broken but luckily he still survives). I think its about 5pm plus, its finally Xing Yue's turn to see the vet. We met a lady vet (looks really young) who is appointed to check on Xing Yue. The vet assistant took Xing Yue's weight and the vet herself check on Xing Yue's shell by knocking onto it, as well as kind of squeezing him. Poor Xing Yue, he is totally freaked out by the vet lady, till such extend that he hide himself into his shell until only his nostril could be seen. My heart ached when seeing Xing Yue acting like this, but I'm not the expert so all I can do was to observe and remind the vet lady to be more gentle. After much struggle and coaxing, Xing Yue would not come out of his shell to show the vet lady his neck. No choice but to end the check up session. In the end Xing Yue was prescribed with 4 strings of Vitamins solution to be added to his food (and I bought a small pack of Mazuri brand pellet as recommended for a better diet), and we reached home at about slightly after 7pm. Tough day for Xing Yue! 31st March 2014 This day, we bought Xing Yue down to the clinic again, but booked an appointment with the most recommended vet Dr Frederic Chua mentioned on the forums for reptiles treatment. We observe how tactful and gentle Dr Chua handle Xing Yue, at a point of time, when Dr Chua quickly held XY up and at the same time, pushing all his fore and back limbs into his shell, Xing Yue look totally puzzled why did his head pop up of his shell automatically. (Seriously, XY's expression was epic!) When Dr Chua sees that XY is struggling so hard to hide his head into his shell that blood rushes up, making his entire neck totally red, he placed XY onto his desk to see if XY will start to crawl around. After a few minutes while we chat with Dr Chua (giving him some background info of XY basically), XY still chooses to hide into his shell. In the end, we suggested letting XY bask in the sun for a short period of time, to see if he would choose to stretch out his neck. Dr Chua was so patient with XY, and that together with his assistant, we all waited under the sun with XY, just for the right moment. Finally, Xing Yue peeks out of his shell and stretches his neck a little, Dr Chua then tries to pick up some skin sample from Xing Yue's neck, too bad the attempt was not successful. Nevertheless, Dr Chua waited and took the chance to look and observe at Xing Yue's 'beary neck'. It was concluded that Xing Yue was down with skin infection... okay how did it happen? The cause of skin infection is due to the lack of proper basking and drying of the skin. Dr Chua mentioned that Xing Yue's breed are timid and shy by nature, so we can only help by giving him a choice between the dry and wet land. Dr Chua also said that Xing Yue is native to Singapore! This day, all the other vets and assistant were all curious to see a Malayan Box Turtle in their clinic, with lots of 'cute!' comments. Hahah. At the end of the day, Xing Yue was prescribed with a bottle of medical solution to treat his infected skin. So, for the mean time, we have to separate Xing Yue in a different tank for his skin treatment solution. Last but not least, here's a picture of the tired Xing Yue at the end of his 2nd vet visit. Labels: Cosmos, Turtle, Vet Visit 0 comment[s] | back to top:: Welcome Here ::
Our Stories
An archive of our daily happiness~ :)
The Cosmos Clique
Age as of 2018: 4 Year Old Gender: Boy 阳光 (Yang Guang.Sunlight) the Red-Eared Slider Age as of 2018: 4 Year Old Gender: Boy 月光 (Yue Guang.Moonlight) the Red-Eared Slider Age as of 2018: 4 Year Old Gender: Boy 流星 (Liu Xing.Meteor) the Malayan Box Turtle Age as of 2018: 10 Years Old Gender: Girl 銀河 (Yin He.Galaxy) the Malayan Box Turtle Age as of 2018: 7 Years Old Gender: Boy 晨光 (Chen Guang.Dayligh) the Red-Eared Slider Age as of 2018: 3 Years Old Gender: Boy 暮光 (Mu Guang.Twilight) the Red-Eared Slider Age as of 2018: 3 Years Old Gender: Boy 星宇 (Xing Yu.Starry Nite) the Malayan Box Turtle Age as of 2018: 7 Years Old Gender: Girl READS
This page contains a compilation of links or information shared by pet lovers rearing Malayan Box Turtles and Red-Eared Sliders/Terrapins.
Good for reading and sharing if interested to find out more about these cute little animals.
Photos taken by FiOh Shine Shine Reading List29 & 31 Mar 14 - Xing Yue's First Two Vet Visits Thursday, 3 April 2014 Previously we mentioned that we noticed Xing Yue looking unwell and not being himself, recalled it around 28th March when we first observed his 'beary' symptoms.Most of you reptile lovers will know that it is not easy to locate a good and reputable vet clinic that look after and treats reptiles (compared to the fact that most vets only specialize in the care of cats and dogs). After much research and research, we finally located this vet clinic that actually treats Aquatic animals (a really good news for us!!) - The Allpets & Aqualife clinic. 29th March 2014 Around 3pm plus FiOh bought Xing Yue down to the clinic, but as we did not book for any appointment in advance, we waited for really quite some time. At the clinic itself, we met 3 other RES owners; a pair of Caucasian mother and daughter (with two eyes infected RES), a lady who has a total of 6 RES for 16 years (she bought two of her sick male RES to the clinic), and a man who bought his 15 years old RES for a followup on its shell treatment (heard that his RES climb out from somewhere and had a great fall, parts of his shell was broken but luckily he still survives). I think its about 5pm plus, its finally Xing Yue's turn to see the vet. We met a lady vet (looks really young) who is appointed to check on Xing Yue. The vet assistant took Xing Yue's weight and the vet herself check on Xing Yue's shell by knocking onto it, as well as kind of squeezing him. Poor Xing Yue, he is totally freaked out by the vet lady, till such extend that he hide himself into his shell until only his nostril could be seen. My heart ached when seeing Xing Yue acting like this, but I'm not the expert so all I can do was to observe and remind the vet lady to be more gentle. After much struggle and coaxing, Xing Yue would not come out of his shell to show the vet lady his neck. No choice but to end the check up session. In the end Xing Yue was prescribed with 4 strings of Vitamins solution to be added to his food (and I bought a small pack of Mazuri brand pellet as recommended for a better diet), and we reached home at about slightly after 7pm. Tough day for Xing Yue! 31st March 2014 This day, we bought Xing Yue down to the clinic again, but booked an appointment with the most recommended vet Dr Frederic Chua mentioned on the forums for reptiles treatment. We observe how tactful and gentle Dr Chua handle Xing Yue, at a point of time, when Dr Chua quickly held XY up and at the same time, pushing all his fore and back limbs into his shell, Xing Yue look totally puzzled why did his head pop up of his shell automatically. (Seriously, XY's expression was epic!) When Dr Chua sees that XY is struggling so hard to hide his head into his shell that blood rushes up, making his entire neck totally red, he placed XY onto his desk to see if XY will start to crawl around. After a few minutes while we chat with Dr Chua (giving him some background info of XY basically), XY still chooses to hide into his shell. In the end, we suggested letting XY bask in the sun for a short period of time, to see if he would choose to stretch out his neck. Dr Chua was so patient with XY, and that together with his assistant, we all waited under the sun with XY, just for the right moment. Finally, Xing Yue peeks out of his shell and stretches his neck a little, Dr Chua then tries to pick up some skin sample from Xing Yue's neck, too bad the attempt was not successful. Nevertheless, Dr Chua waited and took the chance to look and observe at Xing Yue's 'beary neck'. It was concluded that Xing Yue was down with skin infection... okay how did it happen? The cause of skin infection is due to the lack of proper basking and drying of the skin. Dr Chua mentioned that Xing Yue's breed are timid and shy by nature, so we can only help by giving him a choice between the dry and wet land. Dr Chua also said that Xing Yue is native to Singapore! This day, all the other vets and assistant were all curious to see a Malayan Box Turtle in their clinic, with lots of 'cute!' comments. Hahah. At the end of the day, Xing Yue was prescribed with a bottle of medical solution to treat his infected skin. So, for the mean time, we have to separate Xing Yue in a different tank for his skin treatment solution. Last but not least, here's a picture of the tired Xing Yue at the end of his 2nd vet visit. |
星烁 Xing Yue (Starry Moon) the Malayan Box Turtle
陽光 Yang Guang (Sunlight) the Red-Eared Slider
月光 Yue Guang (Moonlight) the Red-Eared Slider
流星 Liu Xing (Meteor) the Malayan Box Turtle
銀河 Yin He (Galaxy) the Malayan Box Turtle
晨光 Chen Guang (Dayligh) the Red-Eared Slider
暮光 Mu Guang (Twilight) the Red-Eared Slider
星宇 Xing Yu (Starry Nite) the Malayan Box Turtle
Cosmos Clique is the name for all our 5 lovely pet turtles.
We found a Malayan Box Turtle (MBT) hatchling in the neighborhood park and 'adopted' him back home on 14th Feb 2014. We named him Xing Yue (Starry Moon).
On 15th Mar 2014, we purchased 2 Red-Eared Sliders (RES) hatchling from local pet shop to keep Xing Yue accompanied. We named the two RES as Yang Guang (Sunlight) and Yue Guang (Moon Light). The three of them started bonding since then.
On 25th Dec 2014, after Christmas visiting, we rescued an abandoned adult Malayan Box Turtle (MBT) from the nearby park. We named her as Liu Xing (Meteor). She is the only Princess in the Cosmos Clique~
As Liu Xing is too big sized compared to Xing Yue and we wanted to find a buddy for him, we later manged to purchase one from a seller met online, however, it turns out that this adult MBT we got from the seller is in a very bad shape (serious health issues) and the seller 'ran away' from his guilty acts. Despite the bad health conditions, with daily TLC, we managed to get our 5th Cosmos member back to health. We named him Yin He (Galaxy).
As we treat Cosmos Clique just like our family members, we too celebrate their birthday for them. Because we do not have any actual info of their birth dates, we have decided to set their birthday as the date they joins our family.
We usually refer Xing Yue, Yang Guang and Yue Guang as 'Babies' as they became our family members when they were hatchlings. Besides feeding them their Breakfast and Dinner in their respective feeding tanks, Cosmos' typical day includes having chill-lax (walking) session within a customised barricade that we built from scratch. Within the barricade, we gave them lots of colourful rubber balls, dish of water as well as some magnetic floating platforms.
On the weekend, we would aim to catch the natural sun rays before 11:30 AM in the morning and bring Cosmos down to the patches of grass for a 30 minutes basking session (of course, within their outdoor barricade). Cosmos Clique are getting popular with the adults and kids in the neighbourhood too!