T H E . C O S M O S . C L I Q U E

The Cosmos Clique!
Sunday, 16 March 2014

Xing Yue's name was inspired by FS.Rain as we wanted to give it a unisex name, since we are not able to tell its gender at the hatchling stage. Somehow we ended up giving names to the two new RES as Yang Guang and Yue Guang; kinda inspired from Xing Yue's name.

We would spent a good amount of time watching and interacting with our turtles, and sometimes it is really troublesome to mention all three names, or rather not that nice to simply uses 'the three of them' blah blah blah... so we came up with a group name that we would use to refer to the three of them.

Since they are named Xing Yue, Yang Guang and Yue Guang, which literally means Starry Moon, Sunlight and Moonlight accordingly, we decided to give them a group name that has a linkage to all three.

We set our eyes on the word 'Cosmos' as we feel that it's the most appropriate, then we wanted to add another describing term to it, hence we came up with options such as:

  • Cosmos Squad
  • Cosmos Family
  • Cosmos Clan

But we ended up decided on 'The Cosmos Clique' instead. Hahaha =X.
So, let us welcome our Cosmos Clique!

The Cosmos Clique

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